Data: 11 de outubro de 2018
Horário: 10:00
Local: COPPE/UFRJ sala G-122
Palestrante Convidado: Maxime Lenormand
Título: ICT Data, Spatial Networks & Society
Resumo: The abundance of non-conventional data has brought interesting research opportunities in social and economic systems. In mobility, for instance, it makes possible to study origin-destination flows with unprecedented detail in spatio-temporal resolution. The areas of concentration of individuals in the cities can be monitored as well as the potential citizens' needs in terms of transport using simulation tools. Furthermore, it is possible to study mobility between cities, which facilitates raking them by centrality, and also the mobility of different types of individuals separating residents and tourists. It is important to note that mobility by type of individual is a basic ingredient not only for transport but for epidemic modeling and public health planning too. Beyond mobility, also other questions related to spatial economy like the inequality between neighborhoods in cities can be quantified and model thanks to new digital databases. In this talk, I will review a set of recent works trying to highlight the new opportunities opened and how these data can complement surveys to obtain a more timely understanding of social systems.
Bio: Maxime is a research associate in spatial analysis and spatial modeling at Irstea as a permanent member of the TETIS laboratory based in Montpellier, France. His interests focus on big data analysis and modeling of complex spatial systems in a multidisciplinary context.
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