Andrea Souza Santos, Victor Hugo Souza de Abreu
Resumo: Iniciativas têm sido implementadas ao redor do mundo de forma a buscar soluções para o enfrentamento da crise climática nesta década crítica. É imprescindível promover de forma rápida e urgente uma transição energética para uma economia de baixo carbono, que consiste nos esforços de mitigação, ou seja, redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Com isso, as energias renováveis, as novas tecnologias e combustíveis limpos desempenham um papel crucial para apoiar esta transição, que deve ser justa e compatível com o objetivo de limitar a temperatura média do planeta em 1,5 °C em relação aos níveis pré-industriais, conforme estabelecido no Acordo de Paris e reafirmado no Consenso de Dubai (UAE Consensus), documento final acordado na 28a Conferência das Partes da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas, a COP 28, em Dubai.
Neste livro, apresentamos uma introdução sobre o tema hidrogênio verde a partir da experiência do Projeto intitulado “Hidrogênio verde: Produção de Hidrogênio Renovável, compressão, armazenamento e utilização em sistemas de energia e mobilidade”.
Trata-se de uma planta piloto de produção de H2 verde instalada na Coppe – Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia, da Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro, na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, que contou com apoio da Cooperação Brasil-Alemanha para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, por meio da GIZ (sigla em alemão para Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)."
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Victor Hugo Souza de Abreu, Andrea Souza Santos
Abstract: This chapter presents a compilation of governmental actions (programs, partnerships, roadmaps, plans, resolutions and decrees) related to the promotion of renewable hydrogen in Brazil. In addition, special emphasis is given to the main barriers encountered in Brazil, as well as the main strategies needed to minimize them. The results show that efforts have been implemented since the 2000s until the establishment of the National Hydrogen Program (PNH2). During the literature review, several obstacles involving technological, financial, regulatory, infrastructure and public awareness aspects were identified. To overcome these obstacles, a joint effort between government, industry and society is necessary through investment in research and development, implementation of effective public policies, stimulation of the adoption of more sustainable technologies and promotion of awareness about the advantages of the use of renewable hydrogen.
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Veronica,Ghisolfi, Lorant Antal Tavasszy , Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Rodriguez Correia , Gisele de Lorena Diniz Chaves , Glaydston Mattos Ribeiro. Transportation Research Part D.
Abstract: Freight transport decarbonization is challenging due to the slow implementation of policies to meet climate goals. This paper analyzes the dynamics of the implementation of freight decarbonization measures. A System Dynamics model was developed and applied to the Brazilian freight system to simulate the use of more sustainable modes and means of transport, including electrification, increased use of biofuels, acceleration of fleet renewal, and modal shift. Significant emission reductions are found in the scenarios combining a shift to alternative modes and a rapid phase-out of diesel vehicles. Even so, the Brazilian freight sector’s emission budgets towards limiting global warming to 1.5 ◦C and 2 ◦C will be depleted during the current and next decade, respectively. An absolute reduction of carbon emissions before 2050 seems unlikely. Besides confirming the need to study the dynamics of the freight system, the findings corroborate the urgency for stronger actions on freight decarbonization.
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Marcus Vinicius Oliveira Camara, Thayse Ferrari, Glaydston Mattos Ribeiro.
Abstract: Monitoring highways and obtaining traffic data are relevant for planning and programming new investments. This data often comes from automatic counting stations or roadside traffic surveys that can also obtain socioeconomic and trip origin and destination information. This paper presents novel contributions to address the Bi-objective Support Unit Location Problem to Assist Roadside Traffic Survey with Multi-Stages (BSULP). The objective of this research is to propose an approach to optimize two conflicting objectives simultaneously: minimizing travel costs from support units to survey stations and minimizing the number of selected support units. To achieve this, we propose three modified versions of the NSGA-II algorithm, with tailored strategies for constraints handling of the BSULP. These strategies involve a significantly reduced structure for the chromosomes, and initial population, crossover and mutation algorithms that maintain the feasibility of the solutions. For a benchmark of instances, we implemented an exact -Constraint method, and the results were compared with different versions of modified NSGA-II using Hypervolume (HV) and Generational Distance (GD) metrics. The best results were obtained with the M3NSGA-II version, which on average represented more than 94% (HV) and less than 17% (runtime) of the exact method. In addition, it was possible to obtain solutions for large instances which was not possible with the exact method.
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