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Romulo 20ORCID: 0000-0003-4789-6708
CV Lattes: CV:
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Phone: +55 21 3938-8170
Av. Horácio Macedo, 2030. Bloco H - Sala 106 - Ilha do Fundão 
Zip code: 21941-914 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Lives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Honors, Education and Language

  • Full member of the Technical and Scientific Council of the National Higher Education at the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel of the Education Ministry/Brazil (CAPES) (2018 - currently).
  • Coordinator of the Civil Engineering Area of CAPES. (2018 - currently).
  • Representative of the Transport Engineering at the CNPq National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Advisory Committee, (2013 – 2016).
  • Ph.D. on Urban Development and Planning at the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris (1987).
  • M.Sc. on Production Engineering at The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (COPPE) at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 1979.
  • Graduated Civil Engineering, Federal University of Bahia, 1973.
  • Proficient in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese (native language).

Research Area

  • Transport planning and environment, including public policy on finance and regulation; transport and land use integrated planning; smart cities and mobility as a service



  • Titular Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and full Professor of the Transport Engineering Program at The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering COPPE/UFRJ (since 1979)
  • Head of Transport Engineering Program COPPE/UFRJ (2018-2019), 1990-1992, 1980-1982.


  • Secretary of State for Administration of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2002)
  • Deputy Municipal Secretary of Transportation of Rio de Janeiro (2009-2011)
  • CTC-RJ – Rio de Janeiro State Bus Company (1975-1977)


Romulo Orrico has forty years of significant experience in the field of transport engineering. He has worked with transport economics, planning and the environment, including public finance and regulation policies, and developing studies and projects for national and international institutions.

Orrico's main research interests are in the area of ​​public transport, mainly in the planning, economics and regulation of transport networks. To date, he has 21 doctoral theses and 63 master's dissertations, in addition to 8 books, 30 book chapters and 42 published scientific articles.

He is also a member of the Editorial Board of journals Case Studies on Transport Policy (Elsevier) and Transporte y Territorio (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and reviewer of some journals such as Transport Policy (Elsevier), Simulation Journal (Taylor & Francis) Transport (ANPET) and Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana (PUC-PR).

He was Secretary of State for the Administration of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2002) and Deputy Municipal Secretary of Transport of Rio de Janeiro (2009-2011). Among other responsibilities, were the design and implementation of the BRS network (twenty selected priority corridors) in the city of Rio, studies for the implementation of the integration of the public transport fare (single ticket) and the reorganization and regulation of informal transport.

He has led more than 20 research projects for development entities (CNPq, Faperj, Finep), public sector entities (BNDES, BHTrans, Ministry of Transport, DNIT, Geipot, EBTU, Governments of the State of Bahia and Rio de Janeiro , and many Brazilian cities), and private companies like Groupe Renault, IADB and IBRD.

Relevant Projects

Current projects

PNCT Development of methodology for Origin and Destination (OD) survey, consolidation and treatment of vehicle flow data and application of a mathematical model to estimate average daily annual traffic volume for the entire federal highway network. A partnership between the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) and the UFRJ (2016-2021).

LUTI Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning, supported by CNPq. To develop a methodology for designing a public transport network in a metropolitan area integrated with strategic planning and land use. The project also includes the proposition of a computational model capable of both predicting the effects that different transport network configurations have on land use, and measuring the impacts of these transformations on this network. 2015-2020.

Mobility and Covid-19. Measuring the effectiveness of Covid-19's social isolation policy based on transport demand models. Developed in partnership with Coppe / UFRJ and Cefet-MG, it was one of those selected by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to integrate the program “Exploring the impact of COVID-19 and the political response in Latin America and the Caribbean, through mobility data”.

In addition to data on mobility and Covid-19 available in Brazil, PNUD and Grandata company provide anonymous data on mobility, on population movements outside their homes. The objective is to better understand the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic in the country and, thus, contribute to the construction of public policies for Latin America and the Caribe.

Recent Projects

Mobility and Covid-19 at RJMA. Technical note presented by Coppe/UFRJ to the Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat of Transport on actions to combat Covid-19 in relation to the transport system of the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area. From the perspective of the metropolitan articulation, the financial articulation and the strengthening of the sector's regulatory agencies, specific actions were presented for each of the main public transport modes, as well as for active transport (bicycles and walking).

PDUI Strategic Urban and Integrated Development Plan for the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area: Mobility Sector. A special attention to the effective relationship between the mobility system and the spatial reconfiguration, more specifically the understanding of the causal relationships between these two fields and to examine how the proposals and actions already carried out in the scope of mobility they would be in support of the existing planning or if, in reverse, they would contradict it. Furthermore, to conceive, in the Mobility and Urban Logistics sector, a set of actions to reduce the urban sprawl, the hypertrophy of downtown, supporting the development of the new centralities and promoting the use of services and technologies of transport aligned with social and environmentally sustainable development. 2015-2017.

CIL Logistics Integration Centers. Development of a methodology to assist the Ministry of Transport in deciding on a CIL network in Brazil, in order to reduce overall transport and logistics costs, encourage modal shift for railways and waterways and promote regional and local economic development in the CILs’ vicinity. Ministry of Transport 2015-2016

Urban public transport networks: a methodological roadmap for its conception. Unlike the usual models, it creates urban transport networks both to meet current demands and, in particular, to support the development of centralities defined by Urban Planning, notably emerging and planned ones and, consequently, avoiding the unnecessary use of the area and minimizing negative displacements, two serious side effects of traditional transport planning in Brazil. CNPq. 2009-2013.

List of Recent and Relevant Publications

  1. OLIVEIRA Matheus, RIBEIRO Renato y ORRICO Romulo (2020) Ensayo sobre movilidad sustentable para regiones periféricas In: Desafíos del desarrollo urbano sostenible en el transporte y la movilidad In: FIGUEROA Oscar, VALENZUELA Luis Miguel, BRASILEIRO Aniso (coord). Zinacantepec, Estado de México: El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C., 2020. p. 55-78. ISBN: 978-607-8509-56-0
  2. ORRICO Romulo, OLIVEIRA Matheus (2020) A mobilidade urbana e ações de combate à Covid-19. Nota Técnica. Rio de Janeiro: Coppe – Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
  3. DE ABREU, Victor Hugo; GONZÁLEZ, Pedro Henrique; MAURI, Geraldo; RIBEIRO, Glaydston; ORRICO, Romulo; CAMPOS JÚNIOR, Nilo; ABRAMIDES, Carlos Alberto (2020). In: Network sensor location problem with monitored lanes: Branch-and-cut and clustering search solution techniques. Computers & Industrial Engineering, v. 150, p. 106827, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2020.106827.
  4. VIEIRA, Bruno; FERRARI, Thayse; RIBEIRO, Glaydston; BAHIENSE, Laura; ORRICO, Romulo; ABRAMIDES, Carlos Alberto; CAMPOS JÚNIOR, Nilo (2020) A progressive hybrid set covering based algorithm for the traffic counting location problem. In: Expert Systems with Applications, v. 160, p. 113641, 2020.
  5. MILITÃO Aitan, MARANHÃO Igor, ORRICO Romulo (2020) Public transport demand and supply changes during COVID-19 Pandemic: the case of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. In: Transportation Research Record TRBAM-21-01981.
  6. CARVALHO, Gabriel; ORRICO Romulo. (2020) Método para avaliação da acessibilidade por transporte público em um campus universitário: o caso da UFRJ. In: Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, v. 54, p. 105-114.
  7. LEIVA, Guilherme; SATHLER, Douglas; ORRICO FILHO, R. D. 2020 Estrutura urbana e mobilidade populacional: implicações para o distanciamento social e disseminação da Covid-19. In: Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População REBEP, v. 37, p. 1-22.
  8. BARBOZA, ALENCAR, CHAVES, SILVA, ORRICO and EVSUKOFF (2020) Identifying human mobility patterns in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area using call detail records. Accept In: Transportation Research Record manuscript number: 20-06706.
  9. BARBOZA Matheus, CARNEIRO Mariana, FALAVIGNA Claudio, LUZ Gregório, ORRICO Romulo (2020) Balancing time: using a new accessibility measure in Rio de Janeiro. In: Journal of Transport Geography. Volume 90, January 2021, 102924 ISSN: 0966-6923.
  10. BASTOS, Vinicius, RIBEIRO Renato, ORRICO Romulo (2020) A necessidade de um pacto social para a viabilização dos planos de mobilidade urbana. Accepted In: Revista Transportes.
  11. CARNEIRO, Mariana; TOLEDO, Juliana; SILVA, Marcelino; ORRICO, Romulo. Espraiamento urbano e exclusão social. Uma análise da acessibilidade dos moradores da cidade do Rio de Janeiro ao mercado de trabalho. In: EURE Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales v. 45, p. 25-44, 2019.
  12. GEAQUINTO, Pedro; PAIVA NETO, José; ORRICO, Romulo (2020) Identification of polycentric structures in Rio de Janeiro with flow data from the metro system. In: Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento, v. 4, p. 42-61, 2018.
  13. BRIZON, Luciana; ORRICO Romulo; BORGES, M. S. (2018) Socioeconomic analysis for high capacity transportation: the case of Curitiba’s subway. In: Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento, v. 4, p. 42-59, 2018.
  14. DE SOUZA, Flavia; LA PAIX PUELLO, Lissy; BRUSSEL, Mark; ORRICO, Romulo; VAN MAARSEVEEN, Martin (2017) Modelling the potential for cycling in access trips to bus, train and metro in Rio de Janeiro In: Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment, v. 56, p. 55-67, 2017.
  15. MARANHAO, Igor; ORRICO, Romulo; SANTOS, Enilson. The government perspective in urban mobility plan making: the case of the peripheral municipalities of Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area. In: Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento, v. 3, p. 117-135, 2017.